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Booking Terms

Please note: you must read and understand the following terms and conditions before booking any tours with Artou . Terms and conditions of liability under which the tour operates are detailed below and the payment of the deposit or tour cost represents their acceptance by the purchaser.

Booking a tour/trip : a deposit of 300$ per person to be included with the signed booking form. We will coinfirm your booking for the trip /tour of your choice. all payments should be made out in the name of Artou.

Final payment: the balance owing on your trip/tour is to be paid by cheque,cash o r a bank draft made out in name of Artou 60 days prior to departure. Once your final payment has been made 60 days prior to departure there will be no further changes to the tour cost.

AMENDMENT FEES: any amendment made to a confirmed tour or itinerary will result in an amendment fee of 50$ per person.transfering from one tour to another will incur a 150$ fee per person

International airfares: The fuel levy surcharge ND TAXES ASSOCIATED WITH AIRFARES ARE APPLIACABLE at the time of printing this brochure. Please note that these are at the discretion of the airlines and are subject to change at any time without notice .

Breaking Journey: tour costs specified in the brochure are based on passengerss traveling from and returning to India as per the set departure and return dates. Any changes to flight itineraries in India or overseas will incur fee of 150$ per person

Cancellation and refunds: cancellations fee will apply as per airlines tarrifs and regulations and vary depending upon the airlines purchased by the traveller. Once we receive confirmation of tour cancellation in writing we will refund the amount you have paid less cancellation fees based on tour departure as follows;

  • 1 cancellation more than 60 days before departure 150$
  • 2 cancellation less than 60 days before departure, loss of full deposit
  • 3 cancellation less than 55 days before departure loss of 50 % tour cost
  • 4 cancellation less than 49 days before departure no refund

Please note that a cancellation will only be acknowledged when received in writing

Cancellation by Artou : if there are too few people on a particular tour ,Artou resrves the right to cancel the trip/tour at any time. In this case the amount paid by passengers to Artou is fully refunded .

Tour cost and Duration: all tour prices in this brochure are quoted in Indian rupees and include our preparation, operating and marketing costs current at the time of printing but are subject to change without notice. The duration of each tour includes day of departure and day of return.

Relevant Travel DOCS : all clients must have valid pasports with atleast 6 months validity remaining after the returning tour date. AL L INDIAN passport holders require a visa for Vietnam,Cambodia,laos,Myanmar,turkey Egypt ,etcetc … Please not that the foreign passport holders may incur an extra cost for arranging visas.it is requires that you send deliver your passports to Artou atleast 60 days prior to your departure date in order for us to arrange relevant visas your final document will be emailed to you or to your travel agent a fortnight before your departure date failure to provide your passport in time may result in delays in returning your passport back to you.

Health and Insurance : it is compulsory for al travellers to be in good physical and mental health. It is also a condition of trip/tour confirmation that each passenger obtains an appropriate standard of travel insurance that covers him/her for the duration of the tour/trip in case of medical inury,illness,death , loss of baggage and personal items, cancellations and curtailment. CLIENTS Will not be permitted to embark upon a tour or continue travelling on a tour if in opinion of Artou tours or any of its representatives ,their mental health or physical condition renders them incapable of carrying for themselves or causes them to be objectionable to other clients or a potential hazard to themselves or other clients. ARTOU WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE For expenses resulting in such persons being precluded from completing the tour for any such reasons.

Share accommodation: single travellers have a choice of paying a single supplement or sharing a room with someone of the same gender .where a single client wishes to share accommodation with a fellow single client on any of our tours. We will make every effort to arrange this. Artou accepts no responsibility for the suitability of the rooming partner. If at anytime during the tour a client considers their rooming partner to be unsuitable Artou will endeavor to arrange a single room at extra cost subject to availability in the same hotel.

SINGLE Supplement : if we are unable to find a rooming partner of the same gender, ARTOU will pay the single supplement charge for the hotel rooms. However please note that the single supplement option is not available on rail journeys and boat cruises . The single supplement component of the cost is specified for each tour. It should be noted that in some cases, single rooms are smaller than twin rooms . if passenger prefers to stay in single room in that case passenger will have to pay asingle supplement cost.

Unused portion of tour : please note that if a client cannot or chooses not to continue the tour for medical/family /or personal or any other reasons no refunds will be made to the client by Artou for the unused portion of the tour/journey.

Advice on overseas travel: we strongly recommend that prior to making your booking you review and familiarize yourself with the travel advisory service provided by the department of foreign affairs and trade by visiting their website (www artou… ) or by calling 981. ...

TOUR COSTS : the cost of each tour is based on current international exchange rates as of the time of printing this brochure. Artou reserves the right to adjust the cost in order to take into account exchange fluctuations prior to final payment or any changes in international airport taxes, ground arrangements and/or fuel levy charges.

POSSIBLE changes or delays : a number of factors may affect our planned itinerary . while we make every effort to operate according to plan. Artou reserves the right to alter itineraries at short notice at the interest of the traveller, the local people or the envoirment.Artou will not be held responsible for changes to itineraries resilting from actions taken by international or domestic air carriers,cruise operators railway operators or whatever reasons.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENT : any special requirements must be bought to the attention of Artou by the client at the time of booking a tour/trip.

COMPLAINTS OR CLAIM : IN CASE THE client is not satisfied by the tour at any time, he /she hereby agrees to inform the local guide or tour escort immediately so prompt action can be taken to resolve the problem . if actions taken by tour escort or guide still do not result in client satisfaction , the passenger agrees to contact Artou in New Delhi by telephone or fax . if the client is not satisfied with the completion of the tour, then he/she agrees to provide details in writing to Artou within 15 days of returning home.

LAW OF CONTACT AND RESPOONSIBILITIES : when booking with Artou . I /we are aware that the proposed tour in addition to usual inherent dangers and risks,has certain additional dangers and risks. These may include physical exertion for which I /we may not be prepared, weather extreme subject to sudden and unexpected changes, remoteness from normal medical and emergency services and evacuation difficulties.i acknowledge that the enjoyment,,excitement and personal development potential of the proposed tour (being reasons for my participation) are derived in part from its inherent risks. I accept all the risks of the proposed tour and the possibility of personal injury, illness,death,propery damage,or loss then Artou or any of its staff may on my behalf and at my cost arrange such medical treatment, evacuation, or other assistance as they consider appropriate. I also agree that the liability of Artou is limited to a maximum tour cost. By entering into this agreement I am not relying on any oral,writtem or visual representations or statements by Artou. Or its staff or licensors or any other inducement or coercion to participate in the tour. I confirm that I have read and understood this agreement prior to signing it .this agreement shall be subjected to the laws of New Delhi and I submit to the non exclusive jurisdiction courts of New Delhi.

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